期刊论文 [1] Guoqing Wang, Yuling Ruan, Hongxing Wang, Gai Zhao, Xinxin Cao, Xingming Li, Qingjun Ding. Tribological performance study and prediction of copper coated by MoS2 based on GBRT method, Tribology International, 2023, 179, 108149(SCI源刊,中科院一区Top,IF:6.2) [2] Guoqing Wang, Jingfu Song, Gai Zhao, Yuling Ruan, Jintao Wu, Jiyang Zhang, Xingming Li, Qingjun Ding. Improving output performance of ultrasonic motor by coating MoS2 on the stator, Tribology International, 2023, 186, 108608(SCI源刊,中科院一区Top,IF: 6.2) [3] Guoqing Wang, Lingxiang Guo, Yuling Ruan, Xianlong Zhang, Yuzhen Liu, Dae-Eun Kim. Improved wear and corrosion resistance of alumina alloy by MAO and PECVD, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2024, 479, 130556 (SCI源刊, 中科院一区Top,IF: 5.4,封面文章) [4] Guoqing Wang, Jingfu Song, Gai Zhao, Qingjun Ding, Tianqiang Yin, Hongxing Wang. Tribological performance prediction of WS2 coating under different conditions by machine learning, Wear, 2023, 532–533, 205092(SCI源刊,中科院一区Top,IF:5) [5] Gai Zhao, Guoqing Wang, Jingfu Song, Qingjun Ding. Water molecular lubrication of PTFE through carbon nanotube. Tribology International, 2023, 185, 108564(SCI源刊,中科院一区Top,IF:6.2) [6] Guoqing Wang, Gai Zhao, Jingfu Song, Qingjun Ding. Study on the tribological properties of copper coated by graphene and h-BN from the atomic scale, Applied Surface Science, 2022, 573, 151548(SCI源刊,中科院二区Top,IF:6.7) [7] Guoqing Wang, Gai Zhao, Tianqiang Yin, Xiaocheng Chu, Qingjun Ding, Yuzhen Liu, Dae-Eun Kim Exploration on the enhanced mechanism of copper surface tribology by WS2 from MD simulation, Vacuum, 2024, 225, 113291(SCI源刊,中科院二区,IF:4) [8] Guoqing Wang, Gai Zhao, Jingfu Song, Qingjun Ding. Study on tribological properties of TMDs-coated copper from the nanoscale, Materials Today Communications, 2022, 31, 103815(SCI源刊,中科院三区,IF:3.8) [9] Guoqing Wang, Gai Zhao, Jingfu Song, Han Wang, Qingjun Ding. Study on the nanoindentation of polytetrafluoroethylene filled with knitted graphene by MD simulations, Computational Materials Science, 2022, 215, 111796(SCI源刊,中科院三区,IF:3.3) [10] Guoqing Wang, Gai Zhao, Jingfu Song, Qingjun Ding. Effect of velocity and interference depth on the tribological properties of alumina sliding with Cu: A molecular dynamics simulation, Chemical Physics Letters, 2021, 775, 138669(SCI源刊,中科院三区,IF:2.8) [11] Guoqing Wang, Ben Gao, Gai Zhao, Haoyu Shi, Shuntao Fang, Yuzhen Liu, Machine learning accelerated the prediction of mechanical properties of copper modified by TMDs based on molecular dynamics simulation, Physica Scripta, 2024, 99, 095930(SCI源刊,中科院三区,IF:2.6) [12] 汪国庆,曹鑫鑫,赵盖,宋敬伏,丁庆军. 铜表面纳尺度沟槽织构的摩擦学性能研究,表面技术, 2023, 52(3), 134 - 142 (EI,封面文章) [13] Jingfu Song, Guoqing Wang, Gai Zhao. Epoxy adhesive shear mechanism on the molecular level, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2023, 63(1), 230-237(SCI源刊,中科院三区,IF:3.2) [14] Xiaocheng Chu, Guoqing Wang, Qingjun Ding, Gai Zhao, Huafeng Li. Molecular dynamics simulation of epoxy resin modified by polyimide grafted graphene oxide, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2023; 1-11(SCI源刊,中科院三区,IF:3.2) [15] Tianqiang Yin, Guoqing Wang, Zhiyuan Guo, Yiling Pan, Jingfu Song, Qingjun Ding, Gai Zhao, Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Polymer Tribology: A Review, Lubricants, 2024, 12(6): 205. (SCI源刊,中科院三区,IF:3.1)
专利: [1] 汪国庆,赵盖,宋敬伏,丁庆军,孙志峻,裘进浩;一种基于超声电机的倾转旋翼机构;ZL202110436922.7(已授权)
学术兼职: [1] 担任《Surface and Coatings Technology》、《Surfaces and Interfaces》等期刊审稿人 [2] 担任《Coatings》合作客座编辑 [3] "Surf Young"表面科学技术博士研究生/博士后学术论坛召集人 |